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SitiosInteres_En: Access Info Europe and Center for Law and Democracy, Global Right to Information Rating


Access Info Europe and Center for Law and Democracy, Global Right to Information Rating


This website can be used to query the Global Right to Information Rating prepared by Access Info Europe, an NGO promoting the right to information in Europe, and the Center for Law and Democracy, a Canadian civil organization that promotes the right to information, participation and freedom of expression. The objective of the Rating is to evaluate the strength of the regulatory frameworks related to the right to information in 89 countries by assessing the following seven areas: the right to information, procedures used to apply for data, exceptions and denial of the applications, appeals, sanctions and safeguards, and promotional mechanisms. According to the index, Mexico ranks sixth on the right to access information. Serbia is ranked in the first position with the Dominican Republic ranked in the last position.​






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Creado el 11/04/2014 14:37 por IFAI\moss2010.admin
Última modificación realizada el 11/04/2014 14:37 por IFAI\moss2010.admin